Arcelormittal LiègeArcéoNLMK La LouvièreSegal (Tata Group) - Ivoz-RametTata Steel Belgium Packaging Steel - Duffel
AGC Glass Europe - RouxAGC Glass Europe - BoitsfortAGC Glass Europe - LodelinsartAGC Glass Europe - SeneffeAGC Glass Europe Centre R&D - JumetAGC Automotive Belgium - FleurusAGC Glass Europe - site de MolAlstrom Belgium
FAEMFIBIdem PapersRemy InternationalTechspaceaero
Arcelormittal Annaba
Tata Steel Port Talbot (formerly British Steel)
Klaus Schaller C&T
Voestalpine Stahl - Linz
Arcelormittal DudelangeArcelormittal Galvalange
Arcelormittal Atlantique et Lorraine:Mardyck siteFlorange siteMontataire siteBasse Indre site
Arcelormittal Méditerranée:Fos siteArcelormittal Construction – YutzConstruction Mécanique de Chamant - BarberyTata Steel Maubeuge SASThyssenKrupp Isbergues
NLMK Coating Beautor
Hellenic Steel
ThyssenKrupp TerniIlva SPA, Novi Ligure site (Riva Group)Ilva SPA, Cornigliano site (Riva Group)
AGC Glass Europe - Cuneo
Arcelormittal Temirtau
Maghreb Steel
Tata Steel IJmuidenSmelt Drunen
AGC Barevka printed glassAGC Olovi Pyrobel
AGC Glass Europe - Kiln
Yieh Phui Enterprise
Arcelormittal Sagunto
Arcelormittal LiègeConsultancy, assistance and modernisation for Prep-Lap, maintenance contract and spare parts for Prep-Lap, Narrow Lap and LOL
Arcellormittal AnnabaConsultancy and Spare parts for Prep-Lap and Flash Butt Welding
Tata Steel Port Talbot (formerly British Steel)Spare parts and maintenance for Flash Butt Welding on site on behalf of Coil-joining International
Klaus Schaller C&TSpare parts
Voestalpine Stahl - LinzSpare parts
ArcéoMaintenance for LOL and spare parts
NLMK La LouvièreConsultancy, assistance and modernisation for Flash Butt Welding, maintenance and welding jaw revamping contract
Segal (Tata Group) - Ivoz-RametConsultancy, assistance, maintenance and spare parts for Prep-Lap
Tata Steel Belgium Packaging Steel - DuffelConsultancy, maintenance and spare parts for Narrow Lap
AGC Glass Europe - RouxSpare parts, maintenance, process modification, design and manufacturing of equipment, line installation and line transfers
AGC Glass Europe - BoitsfortSpare parts, maintenance, process modification, design and manufacturing of equipment, line installation and line transfers
AGC Glass Europe - LodelinsartSpare parts, maintenance, process modification, design and manufacturing of equipment, line installation and line transfers
AGC Glass Europe - SeneffeSpare parts, maintenance, process modification, design and manufacturing of equipment, line installation and line transfers
AGC Glass Europe Centre R&D - JumetSpare parts, maintenance, process modification, design and manufacturing of equipment, line installation and line transfers
AGC Automotive Belgium - FleurusSpare parts, maintenance, process modification, design and manufacturing of equipment, line installation and line transfers
AGC Glass Europe - site de MolSpare parts, maintenance, process modification, design and manufacturing of equipment, line installation and line transfers
Alstrom BelgiumDesign and manufacturing of tools
FAEMDesign and manufacturing of tools
FIBManufacturing of new equipment components
Idem PapersSpare parts
Remy InternationalMiscellaneous machining
TechspaceaeroDesign and manufacturing of tools
Arcelormittal DudelangeConsultancy, assistance and maintenance for LOL, spare parts
Arcelormittal GalvalangeConsultancy, assistance and maintenance for Narrow Lap, spare parts
Mardyck siteConsultancy, assistance and modernisation for Prep Lap, maintenance, spare parts
Florange siteConsultancy, assistance and modernisation for Flash Butt, jaw revamping contract, spare parts
Montataire siteSpare parts for Prep-Lap
Basse Indre siteSpare parts for Narrow Lap
Fos siteSpare parts for Flash Butt
Arcelormittal Construction - YutzSpare parts
Construction Mécanique de Chamant - BarberySpare parts
Tata Steel Maubeuge SASConsultancy and maintenance for Prep Lap and QM16, spare parts
ThyssenKrupp IsberguesModernisation of overlap device, spare parts
NLMK Coating BeautorSpare parts
Hellenic SteelModernisation for Flash Butt and spare parts
MobarakehConsultancy, maintenance and spare parts
ThyssenKrupp TerniConsultancy and modernisation for Shear Arc
Ilva SPA, Novi Ligure site (Riva Group)Maintenance for Flash Butt and spare parts
Ilva SPA, Cornigliano site (Riva Group)Consultancy and modernisation for Prep-Lap
AGC Glass Europe - CuneoModernisation for Matélux
Arcelormittal TemirtauSpare parts
Maghreb SteelConsultancy, maintenance and spare parts
VillaceroSpare parts
Tata Steel IJmuidenConsultancy, maintenance, spare parts and modernisation of Pre-Lap welding machines
Smelt DrunenSpare parts
AGC Barevka printed glassProduction line transfer
AGC Olovi PyrobelManufacturing of new equipment and on-site installation
AGC Glass Europe - KilnTransfer and reinstallation of production line
SSABSpare parts
Yieh Phui EnterpriseSpare parts
Arcelormittal SaguntoConsultancy and electric trimmer manufacturing for Flash Butt Welding and spare parts